About Us
Our lawyers provide early evaluation of cases for settlement or trial and develop strategies to meet specific client needs. Law firm clients appreciate our timely communication and accountability and our commitment to resolving cases as quickly and efficiently as possible along with our trial skills and excellent results.
We use targeted discovery, obtain early expert witness evaluation when needed, and keep the client informed about realistic expected outcomes so the client can decide whether we should settle the case or prepare for trial.
We value our relationships and believe that our straightforward and respectful approach serves our clients well both in and out of court.
Lauren Tate has mediated all types of civil cases since 2012. As the majority of her legal practice was defense representation, she speaks with credibility to defense counsel and claims professionals whose jobs are to assess and manage risk. Lauren’s strength is connecting with the parties and earning their trust so they can listen to opposing positions. She is particularly skilled at maintaining control of negotiations, managing expectations, and reaching settlements in emotionally charged cases, and makes sure the parties feel empowered and stay committed to resolution. Lauren’s extensive experience with medical malpractice cases enables her to understand and discuss complex medical and causation issues which facilitates resolution in personal injury cases. With a strong belief in the power of the mediation, Lauren brings to bear her extensive legal experience, emotional intelligence, warmth, and professionalism to create an atmosphere in which all of the necessary legal and non-legal issues are addressed and cases are resolved. Lauren is a member of the Mediation Society, the mediation panels in Alameda, Contra Costa and Marin Counties, and is a Settlement Conference Officer in San Francisco. Lauren was honored to be named the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association Distinguished Mediator in 2021.